Integrity Capital
Superior Risk-Adjusted Returns
Harnessing asset-backed, secured lending

Integrity Capital
Integrity Capital invests private funds through Marketplace Business Lending sites. Our focus is on secured asset-backed lending to businesses. We are not involved in consumer lending. The emergence and rise of Fintech have provided consumers and businesses with many more financing options, offering borrowers more favourable rates and quicker turnaround time, and investors, access to a greater range of investment opportunities with potentially higher risk-adjusted returns. Integrity Capital plc capitalises on this opportunity by investing through vetted Marketplace Lending sites that serve as intermediaries to business borrowers.
Our management team has developed sophisticated risk-management criteria to achieve our investment objectives. We aim for a balanced portfolio approach to produce steady gross returns in excess of 8%, with carefully managed risk through our asset allocation model. Our extensive due diligence and management review of Marketplace Lending operators, combined with broadly diversified, asset-backed lending, results in strong risk-adjusted returns with minimum volatility.